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Notice to Users: July 30th


Here are some frequently asked questions which may be helpful Getting Started in eCare Vault Q. What is a Vault Key? A. The Vault Key is a secondary password...

eCV Knowledge Base: User Guide

Take a look at the different support articles on how to use the different secure and compliant features of eCare Vault. eCV Knowledge Base: Getting Started G...

eCV Knowledge Base: User Guide (New)

Welcome to eCare Vault! This guide will provide a walkthrough of getting started using eCare Vault, covering such topics as signing up for an account and log...

eCV Knowledge Base: Teams Module

Teams are created as the shell around each care recipient. The Team is used to keep all records related to an individual in one central location, and also ke...

eCV Knowledge Base: Care Feed

The Care Feed is your welcome screen when first logging into eCare Vault. The Care Feed will display recent activity from teams of which you are a member. Th...

eCV Knowledge Base: Documents Module

The Documents module allows you to share sensitive information with others on an individuals’ team. Documents can be in a number of formats: Word, Excel, Pow...

eCV Knowledge Base: Discussions Module

Discussions are used as a secure way to communicate with others on a team, in place of email, phone calls, and other forms of communication. Discussions can ...

eCV Knowledge Base: Forms Module

Forms are where your previously paper-based forms have been digitized for electronic access. Forms allow for your team to collect discrete, structured data a...

eCV Knowledge Base: Service Module

Services can have many uses, but essentially they are a way to keep a running record of support that is being provided to an individual. Notes that are attac...

eCV Knowledge Base: Search

eCare Vault’s search feature allows users to locate documents and discussions quickly and filter results based on Team Members, Care Recipients, the discussi...

eCV Knowledge Base: Resource Library

Overview eCare Vault’s Resource Library allows organizations to store documents and videos in a secure location for users to search and access them. Unlike d...

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